Rabocse is Escobar, Escobar is Rabocse

Lab Info in CLI

Contents Contents Why Am I Doing All this? Lab Info in CLI Requirements TLDR (Execution with Source Code) Current State Execution Flow Caveats Progress and Roadmap What Did I Learn? What Is Next? Why Am I Doing All this? Some time ago I decided to try to decrease my context(task) switching between different tools and programs when I am working. I see that most of my colleagues rely on the browser or third party applications heavily for certain tasks.

Salesforce Backlog CLI

Contents Contents WARNING: Why Was I Doing All this? Salesforce Backlog CLI Requirements TLDR (Execution with Docker) Current State Script’s Data Flow Caveats Progress and Roadmap What Did I Learn? What Is Next? WARNING: Dear non existing reader, I am not going to bullshit you. If, for any strange reason, you checked my Github repo or my DockerHub some time ago, you will realize that I am copying and pasting most of that content here.

Get MKE Client Bundle With Go

Contents Why Am I Doing All this? What Will We Find Here? 1.GetAuthToken.go 2. GetClientBundle.go First Some Concepts: 1. What is MKE? 2. What is the Client Bundle? Current State For the Scripts How To Use the Scripts The “Fun” Part: How Did I Crappy Code it? 1. Tried With Curl 2. Used Postman to get and Idea 3. So, what was the purpose of this? 4. Does this stuff work?

Blog Genesis

Here I go! My first blog post! I am starting with the reason(s) behind creating a blog: Changing Career Focus Pandemic Epiphany? Aha! Effect The Low Price of Your Ego Polluted Profiles and Feeds Fun 1. Changing Career Focus Well, to put it simple, my area of professional interest changed. Nothing drastic like from IT to brewery, but different enough for me to start to bug my head. I started appreciating a lot more the things around network automation, backend stuff, and even software development.