First Time Playing With

I was pretty much following the documentation and playing in my PC. Here is the “localdev.cue” file:

package main

import (

dagger.#Plan & {
    client: commands: {
        os: {
            // notice: this command isn't available on Windows
            name: "uname"
            args: ["-s"]
        arch: {
            name: "uname"
            args: ["-m"]

        go: {
            name: "go"
            args: ["version"]
        hugo: {
            name: "hugo"
            args: ["version"]

    actions: test: {
        // using #Nop because we need an action for the outputs
        _os: core.#Nop & {
            // command outputs usually add a new line, you can trim it
            input: strings.TrimSpace(client.commands.os.stdout)
        _arch: core.#Nop & {
            // we access the command's output via the `stdout` field
            input: strings.TrimSpace(client.commands.arch.stdout)
         _go: core.#Nop & {
            // we access the command's output via the `stdout` field
            input: strings.TrimSpace(client.commands.go.stdout)
          _hugo: core.#Nop & {
            // we access the command's output via the `stdout` field
            input: strings.TrimSpace(client.commands.hugo.stdout)
        // action outputs for debugging
        os:   _os.output
        arch: _arch.output
        go: _go.output
        hugo: _hugo.output

Then, assuming that dagger is installed already, we can do the following:

❯ dagger do test
[✔] client.commands.hugo                                                                             0.0s
[✔] client.commands.os                                                                               0.0s
[✔] client.commands.go                                                                               0.0s
[✔] client.commands.arch                                                                             0.0s
[✔] actions.test                                                                                     0.0s
Field  Value
os     "Darwin"
arch   "arm64"
go     "go version go1.18.3 darwin/arm64"
hugo   "hugo v0.101.0+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=unknown"

I am not sure if Dagger could help to what I have in mind, but that is the reason I will try to play a bit more with it.


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