Powershell Notes
PS C:\Users\aleescob> $PSVersionTable
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 5.1.22621.2506
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.22621.2506
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
PS C:\Users\aleescob> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
5 1 22621 2506
Filter Based on the Verb and Noun
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-command -Verb delete
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Delete-DeliveryOptimizationCache DeliveryOptimization
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-command -Verb update
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Update-AutologgerConfig EventTracingManagement
Function Update-Disk Storage
Function Update-DscConfiguration 1.1 PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Function Update-EtwTraceSession EventTracingManagement
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-command -Verb write
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias Write-FileSystemCache Storage
Alias Write-FileSystemCache VMDirectStorage
Function Write-DtcTransactionsTraceSession MsDtc
Function Write-PrinterNfcTag 1.1 PrintManagement
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-command -Verb Write -Noun debug
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Write-Debug Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Use “Get-Help”
PS C:\Users\aleescob>
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-command -noun *request*
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Invoke-WebRequest Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
PS C:\Users\aleescob>
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-help Invoke-WebRequest
Invoke-WebRequest [-Uri] <uri> [-UseBasicParsing] [-WebSession <WebRequestSession>] [-SessionVariable <string>] [-Credential <pscredential>]
[-UseDefaultCredentials] [-CertificateThumbprint <string>] [-Certificate <X509Certificate>] [-UserAgent <string>] [-DisableKeepAlive] [-TimeoutSec <int>]
[-Headers <IDictionary>] [-MaximumRedirection <int>] [-Method {Default | Get | Head | Post | Put | Delete | Trace | Options | Merge | Patch}] [-Proxy <uri>]
[-ProxyCredential <pscredential>] [-ProxyUseDefaultCredentials] [-Body <Object>] [-ContentType <string>] [-TransferEncoding {chunked | compress | deflate |
gzip | identity}] [-InFile <string>] [-OutFile <string>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Help cannot find the Help files for this cmdlet on this computer. It is displaying only partial help.
-- To download and install Help files for the module that includes this cmdlet, use Update-Help.
-- To view the Help topic for this cmdlet online, type: "Get-Help Invoke-WebRequest -Online" or
go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=217035.
Get-Help with Example
PS C:\Users\aleescob> Get-help Invoke-WebRequest -Examples
Gets content from a web page on the internet.
---------------- Example 1: Send a web request ----------------
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI https://www.bing.com?q=how+many+feet+in+a+mile
$Response.InputFields |
Where-Object name -like "* Value" |
Select-Object name, value
name value
---- -----
From Value 1
To Value 5280
The data returned by `Invoke-WebRequest` is stored in the `$Response` variable. The InputFields property of the response contains the form fields.
`Where-Object` is used to filter the form fields to those where the name property is like "* Value". The filtered results are piped to `Select-Object` to
select the name and value properties.
------------ Example 2: Use a stateful web service ------------
$R = Invoke-WebRequest https://www.facebook.com/login.php -SessionVariable fb
# This command stores the first form in the Forms property of the $R variable in the $Form variable.
$Form = $R.Forms[0]
# This command shows the fields available in the Form.
Key Value
--- -----
# These commands populate the username and password of the respective Form fields.
# This command creates the Uri that will be used to log in to facebook.
# The value of the Uri parameter is the value of the Action property of the form.
$Uri = "https://www.facebook.com" + $Form.Action
# Now the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet is used to sign into the Facebook web service.
# The WebRequestSession object in the $FB variable is passed as the value of the WebSession parameter.
# The value of the Body parameter is the hash table in the Fields property of the form.
# The value of the *Method* parameter is POST. The command saves the output in the $R variable.
$R = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -WebSession $FB -Method POST -Body $Form.Fields
The first command uses the `Invoke-WebRequest` cmdlet to send a sign-in request. The command specifies a value of "FB" for the value of the SessionVariable
parameter, and saves the result in the `$R` variable. When the command completes, the `$R` variable contains an HtmlWebResponseObject and the `$FB` variable
contains a WebRequestSession object.
After the `Invoke-WebRequest` cmdlet signs in to facebook, the StatusDescription property of the web response object in the `$R` variable indicates that the
user is signed in successfully.
------------- Example 3: Get links from a web page -------------
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/").Links.Href
The `Invoke-WebRequest` cmdlet gets the web page content. Then the Links property of the returned HtmlWebResponseObject is used to display the Href property
of each link.
- Example 4: Catch non success messages from Invoke-WebRequest -
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "www.microsoft.com/unkownhost"
# This will only execute if the Invoke-WebRequest is successful.
$StatusCode = $Response.StatusCode
$StatusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
The terminating error is caught by the `catch` block, which retrieves the StatusCode from the Exception object.
----- Example 8: Download multiple files at the same time -----
$baseUri = 'https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download'
$files = @(
Uri = "$baseUri/v7.3.0-preview.5/PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.5-win-x64.msi"
OutFile = 'PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.5-win-x64.msi'
Uri = "$baseUri/v7.3.0-preview.5/PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.5-win-x64.zip"
OutFile = 'PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.5-win-x64.zip'
Uri = "$baseUri/v7.2.5/PowerShell-7.2.5-win-x64.msi"
OutFile = 'PowerShell-7.2.5-win-x64.msi'
Uri = "$baseUri/v7.2.5/PowerShell-7.2.5-win-x64.zip"
OutFile = 'PowerShell-7.2.5-win-x64.zip'
$jobs = @()
foreach ($file in $files) {
$jobs += Start-ThreadJob -Name $file.OutFile -ScriptBlock {
$params = $using:file
Invoke-WebRequest @params
Write-Host "Downloads started..."
Wait-Job -Job $jobs
foreach ($job in $jobs) {
Receive-Job -Job $job
> [!NOTE] > To use the `Start-ThreadJob` cmdlet you must install the ThreadJob module from the PowerShell > Gallery.
Help instead of Get-Help
PS C:\Users\aleescob> help Invoke-WebRequest -examples
Gets content from a web page on the internet.
---------------- Example 1: Send a web request ----------------
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI https://www.bing.com?q=how+many+feet+in+a+mile
$Response.InputFields |
Where-Object name -like "* Value" |
Select-Object name, value
name value
---- -----
From Value 1
To Value 5280
The data returned by `Invoke-WebRequest` is stored in the `$Response` variable. The InputFields property of the response contains the form fields.
`Where-Object` is used to filter the form fields to those where the name property is like "* Value". The filtered results are piped to `Select-Object` to
select the name and value properties.
NOTE: Here it looks the same but the difference is that it provides pagination.
Use Get-Member
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-process -Name powershell
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
1696 74 240016 283184 18.78 7576 2 powershell
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-process -Name powershell | Get-member
TypeName: System.Diagnostics.Process
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Handles AliasProperty Handles = Handlecount
Name AliasProperty Name = ProcessName
NPM AliasProperty NPM = NonpagedSystemMemorySize64
PM AliasProperty PM = PagedMemorySize64
SI AliasProperty SI = SessionId
VM AliasProperty VM = VirtualMemorySize64
WS AliasProperty WS = WorkingSet64
Disposed Event System.EventHandler Disposed(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
ErrorDataReceived Event System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler ErrorDataReceived(System.Object, System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs)
Exited Event System.EventHandler Exited(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
OutputDataReceived Event System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler OutputDataReceived(System.Object, System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs)
BeginErrorReadLine Method void BeginErrorReadLine()
BeginOutputReadLine Method void BeginOutputReadLine()
CancelErrorRead Method void CancelErrorRead()
CancelOutputRead Method void CancelOutputRead()
PS C:\Users\aleescob>
PS C:\Users\aleescob> get-process -Name powershell | Get-member | Select-Object name, membertype
Name MemberType
---- ----------
Handles AliasProperty
Name AliasProperty
NPM AliasProperty
PM AliasProperty
SI AliasProperty
VM AliasProperty
WS AliasProperty
Disposed Event
ErrorDataReceived Event
Exited Event