Reusable Layouts - Go

There are two possible approaches:

  1. With “Dangling” HTML tags.
  2. Layout Page

1. With “Dangling” HTML tags

First, the layout-parts.gohtml is created:

├── templates
│   ├── contact.gohtml
│   ├── faq.gohtml
│   ├── fs.go
│   ├── home.gohtml
│   └── layout-parts.gohtml

This is how the home.gohtml looks:

{{template "header"}}
<h1>Welcome to my awesome site!</h1>
{{template "footer"}}

This is how the layout-parts.gohtml looks:

{{{define "header"}}}

{{define "footer"}}
<p>Copyright Alex Escobar 2023</p>

And, the only change that main.go requires is to add the layout-parts.gohtml here:

r.Get("/", controllers.StaticHandler(views.Must(views.ParseFS(templates.FS, "home.gohtml", "layout-parts.gohtml"))))

Both .gohtml files will be rendered since the function accepts variadic (…) parameters.

2. Layout Page

├── templates
│   ├── contact.gohtml
│   ├── faq.gohtml
│   ├── fs.go
│   ├── home.gohtml
│   └── layout-parts.gohtml
│   └── layout-page.gohtml

This is how the home.gohtml looks:

{{define "page"}}
<h1>Welcome to my awesome site!</h1>

This is how the layout-page.gohtml looks:

{{template "page"}}
<p>Copyright Alex Escobar 2023</p>

And, the only change that main.go requires is to add the layout-parts.gohtml here:

r.Get("/", controllers.StaticHandler(views.Must(views.ParseFS(templates.FS, "layout-page.gohtml", "home.gohtml"))))


  • The course uses “Dangling” HTML tags.
  • Personally, I do prefer the “Layout page” approach. I believe I have seen in when doing changes in HUGO (static site generator).
  • Remember how things are being rendered, left to right by views.ParseFS function.


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